
A Tutorial; Step-by-step

I've been planning to add a tutorial to my game from the beginning, and finally got around to really working on it a few weeks ago. Similar to my previous post about simple solutions, I found that once I tinkered with ideas enough and came up with a clear idea of how to implement it, my tutorial code just fell into place quite smoothly and fit satisfyingly into the existing architecture.

Making a point

I decided that the best way to communicate how to play the game was to have an image of a finger moving on the screen indicating touch actions. You can see an example of this in the image to the right. I created the hand image by taking a photo of a hand (my eldest daughter's) and then manipulating it a bit to flatten the colors and such. In the tutorial it is opaque when touching the screen (the left image), or mostly transparent when not touching the screen (the right image).

After creating the finger I needed a way to move it around the screen easily and also initiate the touch events. For this I created a Finger class that extends Symbol (see my previous post for a discussion on this) and holds the image of the finger. This class also has new animation functionality mostly implemented in the methods shown below.

BeginAnimation is called once for each single animation step (e.g., moving from point A to point B with the finger touching the screen or not, as indicated). This animation is then handled as part of the normal Animate method, which is called once for each Widget during the main animation loop, by calling DoFingerAnimation. As you can see it mostly just updates the finger's position and, once complete, calls the _fingerCompletionAction.

public void BeginAnimation(Point start, Point finish, bool isTouchingScreen, TimeSpan duration, Func<bool> completionChecker, Action completionAction)
    _fingerMoveStartTime = DateTime.Now;
    _fingerMoveDuration = duration;
    AnimationStartPosition = start;
    AnimationFinishPosition = finish;
    IsTouchingScreen = isTouchingScreen;
    _fingerCompletionChecker = completionChecker;
    _fingerCompletionAction = completionAction;

private void DoFingerAnimation()
    TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - _fingerMoveStartTime;
    if(elapsed < _fingerMoveDuration)
        Position = Animator.Interpolate(
        AnimationCurrentPosition = Position;
    else if(IsBeingAnimated && _fingerCompletionChecker())
        _fingerMoveStartTime = DateTime.MinValue;

Stepping it up

So, now that I can perform a single step of an animation controlling the finger, I need to string these together into multiple steps that show a complete tutorial lesson. To do this I created a couple of data holders within my Tutorial class. The first, Step, represents a single step of the tutorial and performs a single finger animation movement. The second, Lesson, holds all of the data for a single tutorial lesson including the game elements to show on the screen and the sequence of steps.

One thing to note, there is a slightly confusing use of the term "completion checker" here, since it is used twice. It basically serves the same purpose for two different levels of the lesson. Inside Step it is used to determine if that step should end. Of course the step has a set duration, but even after that duration there can be other conditions that must be met (see the actual lesson examples later). Similarly, in Lesson this is used to determine if the lesson is complete.

private struct Step
    public Step(double destinationX, double destinationY, bool touchScreen, double duration, Func<Tutorial, bool> completionChecker)
        Finish = new Point((float)destinationX, (float)destinationY);
        TouchScreen = touchScreen;
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration);
        CompletionChecker = completionChecker ?? (foo => { return true; });

    public Point Finish;
    public bool TouchScreen;
    public TimeSpan Duration;
    public Func<Tutorial, bool> CompletionChecker;

private struct Lesson
    public int Width;
    public int Height;
    public IEnumerable<Point> Goals;
    public IEnumerable<ShipInfo> Ships;
    public IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int, WallLocation>> Walls;
    public Func<Tutorial, bool> CompletionChecker;
    public IEnumerable<Step> Steps;

A lesson plan

Fortunately I was able to use a combination of the yield return technique for enumerations and C#'s object initializers to compactly define individual lessons. I do this statically and populate an array to hold them all.

private static Lesson[] All = Tutorials.ToArray();

private static IEnumerable<Lesson> Tutorials
        int width = 4;
        int height = 6;

        // Create one simple diagonal.
        yield return new Lesson
            Width = width,
            Height = height,
            Goals = new Point[] { new Point(width - 2, height - 2) },
            Ships = new ShipInfo[] { new ShipInfo(ShipType.Hero, new Point(0.5f, 0.5f), Direction.East, 0.025f) },
            Walls = new Tuple<int, int, WallLocation>[0],
            CompletionChecker = tutorial => { return tutorial.AchievedAllGoals; },
            Steps = new Step[] {
                new Step(width * 0.6, height * 0.4, false, 3, null),
                new Step(width - 2, 0, false, 2.5, null),
                new Step(width - 1, 1, true, 1.5, tutorial => { return tutorial.Ships.First().Position.X < width - 2.5; }),
                new Step(width - 0.5, 1.5, false, 1.5, null)

Pulling apart this first Lesson, the interesting part is the 3rd step that has the non-null completion check. This check ensures that the Ship is far enough to the left before taking the finger off of the screen, and therefore completing the diagonal. Without doing this the ship could end up on the wrong side of the diagonal and not bounce to where it is supposed to.

There are a number of interim lessons I'm not including here, but one interesting one (shown below) is the lesson showing how to pause the game, which is done by swiping all the way across the screen horizontally in either direction. The interesting part here is that I needed to show the pause symbol, and then the continue symbol. To do this I cheated a little in two ways. First, in the step before I want the appropriate symbol to be visible, I used the completion check to create the needed symbol, although it's alpha was initially set to 100% transparent. This is done via the CreatePauseSymbol and CreateContinueSymbol methods, not shown here. Second, also not shown here, I adjust the transparency of the pause symbol to become more opaque as the finger completes its animation. This was a little hackish, but worked out pretty well.

        // How to pause.
        yield return new Lesson
            Width = width,
            Height = height,
            Goals = new Point[] { new Point(width - 2, height - 2) },
            Ships = new ShipInfo[] { new ShipInfo(ShipType.Hero, new Point(0.5f, 0.5f), Direction.South, 0.045f) },
            Walls = new Tuple<int, int, WallLocation>[0],
            CompletionChecker = tutorial => { return true; },
            Steps = new Step[] {
                new Step(width * 0.6, height * 0.8, false, 2, null),
                new Step(0, height * 0.45, false, 1, tutorial => tutorial.CreatePauseSymbol()),
                new Step(width, height * 0.55, true, 3, tutorial => tutorial.CreateContinueSymbol()),
                new Step(width - 1.5f, height - 1.5f, false, 1.5, null),
                new Step(width * 0.5, height * 0.5, false, 1.5, null),
                new Step(width * 0.5, height * 0.5, true, 0.05, tutorial => tutorial.RemoveContinueSymbol()),
                new Step(width * 0.65, height * 0.65, false, 0.5, null),
                new Step(0, height - 2, false, 0.75, null),
                new Step(1, height - 1, true, 0.75, tutorial => { return tutorial.Ships.First().Position.Y < height - 2; }),
                new Step(width * 0.75, height * 0.55, false, 1, null),

Linking them together

Finally, now that the lessons are defined, I need to do two more things: make the finger's touch actually behave like a normal touch in a normal game, and queue up the steps so they play in order. The first was pretty easy by just calling the existing touch handlers with the appropriate touch points. The second also turned out particularly well because I used the built in onComplete action in the finger animations to recursively call a method that dequeues each successive step.

private void DoTutorialSteps(Queue<Step> queue)
    if(queue.Count > 0)
        Step step = queue.Dequeue();
        Action onComplete = step.TouchScreen
            ? new Action(() =>
                    HandleTouch(BoardToScreen(_finger.AnimationStartPosition), BoardToScreen(_finger.AnimationCurrentPosition), true);
                    base.HandleBoardTouch(_finger.AnimationStartPosition, _finger.AnimationCurrentPosition, true);
            : new Action(() => { DoTutorialSteps(queue); });
        _finger.BeginAnimation(_finger.Position, step.Finish, step.TouchScreen, step.Duration, () => step.CompletionCheck(this), onComplete);

I'm now almost done with the tutorial and have only one more lesson to add.

Next time: Alpha layering.


Simple Solutions

Unlike the in depth investigation and learning required to understand premultiplied alpha, as discussed in my previous post, today's topic is simple and satisfying.

Collections of collections

I've structured the graphical elements of my game into a number of logical layers (not display layers). I won't go into all of them, but to give you an idea, here are some of the key parts, from the most fundamental to the most complex:

  1. The most basic layer is a Texture, which is an abstract class that represents a picture that is loaded from a file.
  2. Above that is an OpenGLES20Texture, which is an implementation of Texture specifically for OpenGL ES 2.0.
  3. Above that is a Graphic, which includes information about the Texture, plus information about its orientation, size, and color.
  4. The next layer up is Widget, which is an abstract class that has a 2D position, an abstract Animate method, and an abstract Render method.
  5. One layer above that is Symbol, which implements Widget and provides a number of concrete features, including references to one or more Graphic instances. I use this class for all of the interactive controls in the game, like the checkmark to start a game, the question mark icon for starting the tutorial, etc.
  6. Another layer above Widget are all of the game UI elements, like Ship, which is the white ball that moves around and bounces off of walls. This also implements Widget and contains the logic to make the ship do what it is supposed to. I have similar classes for the other game UI elements like Wall, Diagonal, etc.

Given the above structure, this means that all graphical elements that I need to render inherit from Widget. In the various game screens I keep track of these in collections that inherit from the following:

public interface IWidgetEnumeration
    /// <summary>Returns the <see cref="Widget"/>s in the collection.</summary>
    IEnumerable<Widget> Widgets { get; }

For example, the game screen parent class collects all of these multiple collections via the following:

protected sealed override IEnumerable<IWidgetEnumeration> WidgetsToRender
        foreach(IWidgetEnumeration collection in LowerWidgetsToRender)
            yield return collection;
        yield return WallsHorizontal;
        yield return WallsVertical;
        yield return Goals;
        yield return Diagonals;
        yield return Poles;
        yield return _diagonalMarkers;
        yield return Ships;
        yield return Collisions;
        foreach(IWidgetEnumeration collection in UpperWidgetsToRender)
            yield return collection;
        yield return _pauseSymbols;

What's a little interesting here is that this accessor is an IEnumerable<IWidgetEnumeration>, or an enumeration of collections. This allows subclasses to override LowerWidgetsToRender and UpperWidgetsToRender to add additional widgets as necessary. What's been slightly annoying to me for a while, and what finally gets to the point of this blog entry, is that there have been a number of instances when I needed to only add a single new graphical element in a sub-class. But, since I need to return an IWidgetEnumeration I kept needing to create a collection to contain that single graphical element. This made the override of LowerWidgetsToRender look something like this:

protected override IEnumerable<IWidgetEnumeration> LowerWidgetsToRender
    get { yield return _lowerWidgets; }

Where _lowerWidgets is an IWidgetEnumeration that contains just one Widget. I couldn't just return the Widget directly, because I must return an IWidgetEnumeration. This seems inefficient to create this collection just to contain one element. But wait, IWidgetEnumeration is an interface. What's to stop me from implementing that directly on Widget so I can just return that directly? Well, that's exactly what I did. I made Widget implement IWidgetEnumeration and added the following simple bit of code to it.

public IEnumerable<Widget> Widgets
    get { yield return this; }

This allowed me to change the above LowerWidgetsToRender accessor into the following, where _tutorialCounter is the single Widget that was inside the previous collection.

protected override IEnumerable<IWidgetEnumeration> LowerWidgetsToRender
    get { yield return _tutorialCounter; }

I don't think this refactor improves the performance of the code in any measurable way, but it does make things a bit more straight forward and easier to understand. It's obviously not particularly clever or exciting, but I was happy when I thought of the solution and do feel the code is better because of it.

Next: A Tutorial; Step-by-step.


Premultiplied alpha

Sorry I've been gone

It's been a while since my last post about OpenGL and OpenTK Fun. This is because the challenge I described in that article, and ultimately resolving that issue, unstuck me from making real progress on my development and I've been putting much more effort into my game since then and am now much further along. That's all good news, but now I need to both make progress on the game and try to keep this blog going too.

I'll start today with a discussion about OpenGL premultiplied alpha textures, but before that I want to send a quick thank you out to a new code syntax highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev. It's JavaScript based, so I no longer need to manipulate my code entries before posting them in these articles. Also a thank you to Carter Cole and his blog entry describing how to easily setup the syntax highlighting in Blogger.

So, what is "premultiplied alpha" and why do I care?

As for what it is, there are plenty of pages out there that can describe it much better that me, so I'm not even going to try. I found a good succinct description on Martin Stone's blog, which points to a more detailed description on Tom Forsyth's blog. Please check those pages out if you want to learn more.

As for why I care, that I can describe in more detail. Initially I knew almost nothing about premultiplied alpha. I had seen the term a few times, for example when compiling my app there is some log message mentioning that it is precompiling my PNG textures, but I never tried to understand that more since everything was working fine. The reason I started to care more, and look into it more, are due to a couple things.

First, there was always something bothering me about a portion of my OpenGL code. From the beginning when I got the code working on both iOS and in Windows I found that I had to have a platform specific check for texture blending:

// on iPhone this is needed to apply the color adjustment (on PC this is our normal setting)
if(colorAdjustment.Alpha != 1)
    GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
    GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.One, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);

I put this code into place after trial and error. The #if MONOTOUCH section only compiles and runs on the MonoTouch framework, which means only on iOS. What I didn't understand was, given that OpenGL is supposed to be a consistent interface across platforms, why did I need to have this condition depending on the platform? All other code and image assets related to OpenGL textures and blending was the same between the two platforms, so why was this needed?

Well, the answer goes back to what I mentioned above about where I had previously heard about premultiplied alpha; the iOS compilation log message. What that message means is that my assumption that I'm using the same image assets (PNG images in my case) is not true. Although I have the same PNGs referenced in both the iOS project and Windows project, when the iOS version gets built the PNGs are adjusted to have alpha premultiplied.

So, why does that require the adjustment in GL.BlendFunc? Well, first we need to know what GL.BlendFunc does. The first parameter is how to use the incoming (source) colors when blending them with the existing (destination) pixels. The second parameter is how to adjust those destination pixels. There is ample documentation about this on many sites, so I won't go into all of the parameter options, but I will discuss the two that I was using. The first version, GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); says two things:

  1. For the source color, take the alpha (or transparency) component and multiply it by each other component. For example, if the RGB color is (1, 0.8, 0.5)       then after the multiplication it would become (0.5, 0.4, 0.25)      . This is the same color, but darkened.
  2. For the destination color, take the alpha component of the source, subtract that from one, and multiply that by each component of the destination. In this case the alpha is 0.5, so subtracting that from 1 is also 0.5, which would be multiplied by the destination color. For example, if the existing destination RGB color was (0.2, 1, 1)       then after multiplying it would become (0.1, 0.5, 0.5)      . Again, the same color, but darkened.

After completing the above calculations on the source and destination colors then are blended by adding them together. That is (0.5, 0.4, 0.25) + (0.1, 0.5, 0.5) = (0.6, 0.9, 0.75)      . Looking at the two original colors you can see that this works and the resulting blended color is correct.

Ok then, what's up with the second version: GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.One, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);? How does this change things? I won't go through all the steps in detail, but starting with the same two first colors you would get a final function of (1, 0.8, 0.5) + (0.1, 0.5, 0.5) = (1.1, 1.3, 1.0) or pure white, since each component exceeds the maximum value of one and is therefore limited to one. Clearly that is too bright and doesn't work work. So, why would you want to do that? Well, that's where premultiplied alpha comes in. The first version used BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, which multiplies the alpha by the color. And what do you think premultiplied alpha does? It did that exact same calculation when the texture asset was created (or built, in this case). This means that we don't need to do it again now while blending. Instead we use the color as is, which is what BlendingFactorSrc.One does.

So, final question, why do this premultiplied alpha in the first place? I'll quote Tom Forsyth from his blog post (referenced above) for a pretty good explanation. For a much more in depth discussion please read his whole post.

"Normal" alpha-blending munges together two physically separate effects - the amount of light this layer of rendering lets through from behind, and the amount of light this layer adds to the image. Instead, it keeps the two related - you can't have a surface that adds a bunch of light to a scene without it also masking off what is behind it. Physically, this makes no sense - just because you add a bunch of photons into a scene, doesn't mean all the other photons are blocked. Premultiplied alpha fixes this by keeping the two concepts separate - the blocking is done by the alpha channel, the addition of light is done by the colour channel. This is not just a neat concept, it's really useful in practice.

Doing premultiplied alpha on Windows

Ok, so now I understand what's going on, but how do I fix it for Windows since I don't have a build step modifying my PNG files? I did some research and it seems there are some tools that will convert a normal PNG to a premultiplied alpha PNG, specifically it seems GIMP will do this, although I didn't try it myself. I didn't really want to have to convert my existing assets each time I modified them, or complicate my Windows build process by using addition tools, so I made a code change to do the alpha multiplication at the time I load my PNGs. That's a somewhat wasteful operation, but it only happens once, and considering I don't have very many textures I felt it was a good and simple solution.

Below is the code that does this. You'll notice some strange BGRA to RGBA conversion as well. This is due to using the Bitmap class and it's how Windows works.

public static Texture LoadTexture(string fileName, Func<byte[], int, int, Texture> textureCreator)
    if(textureCreator == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("textureCreator");

    using(Bitmap image = new Bitmap(fileName))
        BitmapData bitmapData = image.LockBits(
            new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height),
        IntPtr rawData = bitmapData.Scan0;

        Texture texture;
            int length = image.Width * image.Height * 4;
            byte[] data = new byte[length];
            Marshal.Copy(rawData, data, 0, length);

            for(int i = 0; i < length; i += 4)
                float alpha = (float)data[i + 3] / 255;
                byte r = data[i + 2];
                byte g = data[i + 1];
                byte b = data[i + 0];
                data[i + 0] = MultiplyByAlpha(alpha, r);
                data[i + 1] = MultiplyByAlpha(alpha, g);
                data[i + 2] = MultiplyByAlpha(alpha, b);
                data[i + 3] = (byte)(alpha * 255);

            texture = textureCreator(data, image.Width, image.Height);

        return texture;

private static byte MultiplyByAlpha(float alpha, byte channel)
    return (byte)(channel * alpha);

After putting this code in place, so that my textures turn into premultiplied alpha data as I load them, I was able to simplify my original platform dependent code into just this:

GL.BlendFunc(colorAdjustment.Alpha != 1 ? BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha : BlendingFactorSrc.One, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);

Removing that platform specific code is a very minor improvement, but more than that I'm happy to understand all of this quite a bit more.

Next: Simple Solutions.